Policy Brief
Progress Toward Inclusive Security: Recommendations for the New Administration

In the face of complex global threats, from terrorism to resource scarcity, the US must expand its foreign policy toolbox. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that inclusion of women improves peace and security outcomes. When women participate in negotiations to end war, agreements last longer. When they serve in police forces, countries are better […]
Localization of Women, Peace, and Security Agenda: Case Study of Six Local Governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina

High-impact national action plans on women, peace, and security (NAPs) require a clear, holistic understanding of how different societies define peace and security. By emphasizing human security, the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina has used the NAP as a platform to achieve meaningful change at the community level. The Plan has facilitated a move away […]
Policy Brief
Recommendations for Countering Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Pakistan

Over the course of 18 months, Inclusive Security facilitated a series of workshops with 20 Pakistani policewomen, civil society leaders, and parliamentarians to advance women’s inclusion in the country’s efforts to counter violent extremism. In July 2016, this multi-sectoral group of women leaders developed policy recommendations for relevant international and national stakeholders focused on achieving […]
Women’s Inclusion in Myanmar’s Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement

KEY FINDINGS The final text of Myanmar’s National Ceasefire Agreement included three important gender-related stipulations. A limited number of women participated formally in the ceasefire negotiations that culminated in October 2015. However, women played informal observer and support roles, which enabled them to share information with civil society about the process and content of the […]
Policy Brief
From Policy to Action: Advancing an Integrated Approach to Women and Countering Violent Extremism

Women and women-led organizations have worked globally, through formal and informal channels, to resolve conflicts, build peace, promote development, and strengthen security sectors. These powerful roles were formally recognized more than 15 years ago with the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and follow-on resolutions. Experts and practitioners working to advance women’s inclusion in peace and security processes—a practice referred to as […]
Inclusive Ceasefires: Paper Presented at the International Studies Association’s 57th Annual Convention

This paper was submitted to the International Studies Association’s 57th Annual Convention. Traditional approaches to ending wars—where armed groups meet behind closed doors to hammer out a truce—are falling short in the face of 21st century conflicts. In 2014, the world experienced the highest battle-related death toll since the Cold War. Belligerents increasingly target civilians, and […]
Inclusive Political Settlements: New Insights from Yemen’s National Dialogue

This article is from the “Women, peace, and inclusive security” edition of PRISM—a top defense and security studies journal—which was co-produced by Inclusive Security and the National Defense University. Read the full issue. Periods of exceptionally high social and political conflict present an opportunity for the fundamental remaking of a society. These conflicts are often […]
Brazil and UN Security Council Resolution 1325: Progress and Challenges of the Implementation Process

This article is from the “Women, peace, and inclusive security” edition of PRISM—a top defense and security studies journal—which was co-produced by Inclusive Security and the National Defense University. Read the full issue. Emerging powers have recently become significant players in promoting peace and stability in unstable settings affected by conflict and violence. These countries […]
Innovation in the Prevention of the Use of Child Soldiers: Women in the Security Sector

This article is from the “Women, peace, and inclusive security” edition of PRISM—a top defense and security studies journal—which was co-produced by Inclusive Security and the National Defense University. Read the full issue. “Our collective failure to protect children must be transformed into an opportunity to confront the problems that cause their suffering.” – Graça […]
Engendering Responses to Complex Emergencies: Lessons from South Sudan

This article is from the “Women, peace, and inclusive security” edition of PRISM—a top defense and security studies journal—which was co-produced by Inclusive Security and the National Defense University. Read the full issue. Like so many before it, the current crisis in South Sudan is a classic example of what humanitarians term a “complex emergency”—a […]