AP Photo/Fernando Vergara
After the Prize: Resources on Women and Peace in Colombia
Today the Norwegian Nobel Committee bestowed the 2016 Peace Prize on Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, sending the ultimate signal of international encouragement. After 52 years of devastating conflict, Colombia needs it. Voters rejected the nation’s delicate peace accord last Sunday in a referendum.
Yet expectations for peace persist. The Nobel committee especially cited “the Colombian people who, despite great hardships and abuses, have not given up hope of a just peace, and to all the parties who have contributed to the peace process.” These parties include members of our Women Waging Peace Network, who have dedicated years of effort to end insecurity and violence.
These resources explore the pivotal role of women in leading Colombia toward this new era of peace:
- Meet a Colombian hero: Gina Parody of the Women Waging Peace Network led the campaign for the Yes vote.
- Read this from the Atlantic Council/Andrea Saldarriaga Jiménez: Women in Colombia Hold the Key to Peace
- Lifelong activist Rosa Emilia Salamanca (another Network member) speaks about Colombian women building peace with our friends at Peace Direct
- Are Women the Key to Peace in Colombia? Revisit Jacqui O’Neill’s powerful recipe for creating a successful accord (or watch her interview on the topic).
- In the Washington Post, researcher Roxanne Krystalli explains that the peace agreement places emphasis on the lives of women.
- UN Women documents women experts’ roles in an unprecedentedly inclusive peace process.
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