Why the Next US Administration Must Include Women and Civil Society in National Security

Ambassador Swanee Hunt displays a copy of PRISM at the Council on Foreign Relations event on the future of security.
On May 20, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, Founder and Chair of Inclusive Security, and Wafa Bughaighis, senior Libyan government representative to the US and a member of Inclusive Security’s Women Waging Peace Network, welcomed participants at the first meeting of a new Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) roundtable series on “The Future of Security.” Co-hosted by CFR’s Women and Foreign Policy program and its Center for Preventive Action, the event featured a conversation with Michèle Flournoy, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Center for a New American Security, and former US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
Flournoy focused on why the next US administration must include women and civil society in its national security strategy to advance stability at home and around the world. Bughaighis spoke about the fragile state of Libya today. She highlighted that Libya needs not only military equipment and training, but also institution-building to help with the country’s humanitarian and reconciliation efforts. Hunt highlighted what women like Bughaighis are doing to stabilize conflict-affected countries around the world.
The conversation was funded by the Compton Foundation and informed by a recent edition of the journal PRISM co-produced by Inclusive Security and National Defense University.
Watch the full event:
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