Why Are We Settling?

   •    March 4, 2016

PRISM cover Why do we settle for half of our potential? While political and military leaders often draw on just half of available talent, ISIS and Boko Haram do not make the same mistake. A new edition of PRISM, jointly produced by the National Defense University and The Institute for Inclusive Security, highlights the need for the other 50 percent—women—to be included in security.

While the idea that exclusion drives conflict is widely accepted, the practical implications remain under-explored. How does discriminatory family law impact state fragility? What could an inclusive approach to complex emergencies look like in South Sudan? Does the robotics revolution change the equation for women in combat?

This dedicated PRISM edition examines inclusive security from a range of perspectives, featuring scholars, practitioners, and authorities on defense, including General Frank Grass, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Anne Witkowsky, and Retired Lt. General Roméo Dallaire.

Our founder and chair, Ambassador Swanee Hunt, co-authored a piece with General Doug Lute on how NATO has adopted inclusive approaches to security.

Our Head of Research Marie O’Reilly also wrote a piece exploring qualitative and quantitative evidence of the difference women’s participation makes.

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