What We’re Reading: Integrated Peacebuilding

Evelyn Thornton (left) and Tobie Whitman discuss the powerful influence of women in Integrated Peacebuilding.
Peacebuilding is a complex process. It involves a diverse set of actors utilizing creative tools, engaging multiple communities, and striving to understand the nuances of conflict. Collaboration amongst actors from different sectors—development, humanitarian aid, diplomacy, business, media—leads to sustainable outcomes.
Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict addresses the importance of a holistic method for ending violent conflict. Edited by Craig Zelizer, Founder of the Peace and Collaborative Development Network, the book features ideas from a range of leading academics and practitioners in the field.
Institute CEO Evelyn Thornton and I wrote the chapter, “Gender and Peacebuilding.” We discuss the powerful influence of women’s participation and present:
- Key theories about women’s inclusion in peacebuilding
- Skills and challenges for practitioners
- Current policy innovations, such as quotas and National Action Plans
- Case studies on women’s participation in peace processes in Guatemala and Kenya
Over the last few decades, we’ve gained a greater understanding of the factors—like women’s inclusion—that contribute to lasting peace. Integrated Peacebuilding is a vital compendium of best practices that will deepen our perspective and push us even closer to that goal.
Read the book and share your thoughts.
Tobie Whitman, PhD, is Senior Adviser and research lead at The Institute for Inclusive Security. Previously, she worked with USAID and Women for Women International.
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