Women Parliamentarians: Caucusing for Equality and Effectiveness

   •    March 23, 2009

This article was originally published by Governance Village.

Last week, as a group of eleven women passed through security at a federal building in Washington, DC, a security guard asked where the group was from. “Sudan,” one of them answered. “Where are the men?” he followed-up. After a brief pause, one replied, “At home, fighting each other.”

The group is part of a women’s parliamentary caucus – the only cross-party caucus in the National Legislature of Sudan. Including all 82 women members of the upper and lower houses, members represent a range of regions, ethnicities and religious communities. Through support from the Parliamentary Centre and The Institute for Inclusive Security, representatives were in New York to attend the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women and in Washington, DC to advocate for women’s inclusion in decision-making.

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