American Organization Brings Women Together to Build Peace

   •    February 8, 2006

This article was originally published by Voice of America.

Even if they don’t carry guns, women in war zones around the world pay the high cost of armed conflicts. They witness the loss of family members. They struggle to support their children and sustain life in their communities under dangerous conditions. But they can also lead their countries to peace and post-conflict reconciliation. A group of these extraordinary women have recently met and shared their experiences on rebuilding lives.

Miki Jacevic, Deputy Director of Policy Initiatives for Hunt Alternatives Fund says the colloquium is designed to provide these leaders with the skills and knowledge they need for increasing women’s participation, whatever their country’s political stage. “For example,” he says, “in Colombia, we focus primarily on recommendations for including women in implementation of peace and justice law that was recently passed by the Colombian Congress. In Iraq, we discussed primarily how can the current process of shaping the new government and strengthening the new constitution ensure equal rights for women. In the case of Afghanistan, we discussed the new appointments for the Afghan Supreme court and the lobbing and advocacy efforts to ensure that qualified women could be hopefully appointed to that institution.”

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