Inclusive Security Welcomes Zainab Salbi and Donald Steinberg as Key Advisers

   •    June 16, 2014






The Institute for Inclusive Security is pleased to announce that Ambassador Donald Steinberg, President and CEO of World Learning, and Zainab Salbi, Founder of Women for Women International, have joined us as advisers to our board committee. In addition, Ms. Salbi is now a member of the board for Inclusive Security Action, a new public charity.

Both of these extraordinary individuals bring wisdom and experience from their multitude of successful endeavors. Amb. Steinberg most recently served as Deputy Administrator at the US Agency for International Development, where he led organizational reforms to expand the participation of women and other marginalized groups.

From his very first assignment with the Foreign Service in the Central African Republic, through his stint as US Ambassador to Angola during the signing of that country’s peace accord, to now, Amb. Steinberg has been a champion for women’s inclusion in the decisions that affect their lives. “The systematic exclusion of women from the negotiation of peace agreements…is one of the key reasons why so many of these agreements ultimately fail,” he said.

Zainab Salbi has dedicated her life to helping women affected by, and trying to rebuild from, war. Growing up in Iraq under Saddam Hussein, she saw first-hand the price of tyranny and oppression. For the last 20+ years, her organization, Women for Women International, has enabled over 300,000 women to access social and economic opportunities in the wake of conflict.

“I find it amazing,” she said, “that the only group of people who are not fighting and not killing and not pillaging and not burning and not raping, and…who are keeping life going in the midst of war, are not included in the negotiating table.”

While both Ms. Salbi and Amb. Steinberg have aided and guided Inclusive Security for the last several years, we’re thrilled to welcome them in these formal roles. Our work, and that of the women we support, will greatly benefit from their extensive policy and peacebuilding expertise.

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